Peer-reviewed articles 17,970 +

Title: Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022, Vol 22, Issue 3.2

Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022, Vol 22, Issue 3.2
International authors
•    Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Trofymchuk, UKRAINE •    Prof. Dr. hab. oec. Baiba Rivza, LATVIA
This conference proceedings represent the work of contributors to the 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022 (Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management), that was held in the period of 6 - 8 December, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
In this specific Issue 3.2, after a double-blind peer review process based on the COPE standards, there are only 53 academic research papers accepted for publication. The papers represent research works and projects from 16 countries and 43 Universities/ Institutions.
Issue 3.2 of the SGEM2022 Conference Proceedings - Volume 22, with its 472 pages in total, presents research topics in the field of Water Resources. Forest, Marine And Ocean Ecosystems,

The articles are categorized into 3 Sections as follows: : Hydrology and Water Resources, Oil and Gas Exploration, Forest Ecosystems.
The topics discussed include: atrazine under denitrifying conditions; current flooding conditions of settlements in the Kherson region (Ukraine); mobile manipulator-robot for inspection of inclined water pipelines; progressive water treatment technology to remove micropollutants; the influence of the forecast model error on optimizing the storage function control of the reservoir using; water management to reduce floods in the hydrographic basin Bega-Timiș; analysis of the carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery technology; development of information technology for monitoring of forest ecosystems under conditions of wildfires; educational programs of forest pedagogy as a starting point for a sustainable progress; models for describing the dynamics of forest vegetation based on remote sensing techniques; protection of Pinus Sylvestris L. stands from Curculionidae damage; using a drone to detect plant disease pathogens.

These papers represent research works and projects from 16 countries as follows: Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Libya, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine.
ISSN: 1314-2704
ISBN: 978-619-7603-54-5
DOI ISSUE: 10.5593/sgem2022V/3.2
Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022, Water Resources. Forest, Marine And Ocean Ecosystems
22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2022, 06-08 December, 2022
STEF92 Technology
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM
SWS Scholarly Society; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci and Arts; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; European Acad Sci, Arts and Letters; Acad Fine Arts Zagreb Croatia; Croatian Acad Sci and Arts; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci and Arts; Georgian Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts and Design Bratislava; Turkish Acad Sci.
06-08 December, 2022
water resources;forest;marine;ocean ecosystems

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