Peer-reviewed articles 17,970 +


Bogdan Prodanov
•    Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Trofymchuk, UKRAINE 
•    Prof. Dr. hab. oec. Baiba Rivza, LATVIA
The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast is a well-formed mosaic of pockets, small, gravellysandy beaches, and erosion-prone or erosion-resistant cliffs. A significant portion of the depositional cost along the Strandzha sector includes sand beaches with frontal and stabilized dunes, whose high-resolution mapping is a major task in this work. Currently, unmanned aerial systems (UAS) are the main method for topographic reconstruction. The world's experience in UAS surveys and the rapid capture of hard-to-reach large shore areas are the reasons why we emphasize using drones to map coastal landforms. Based on high-resolution UAS-derived data, a map of depositional landforms was created for the Harmani-Sozopol beach-dune system for the first time. Raster RGB orthophoto mosaics have been used to digitalize and classify different types of dunes. Elevation data from DSM with 15 cm resolution were used to identify beach and dune morphological features: shoreline position, dune foot line, dune crest line, and stable vegetation line. The spatial analysis in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) of the obtained elements allows an accurate assessment of the shoreline changes (erosion/accretion) and dynamics of the dune field. For the time period of 1918-2022, using the Linear Regression Rate (LRR) indicator, an average accretion rate of +0.02 m/yr was reported for Harmani beach-dune system. For the last 100 years, the area has registered a decrease in area by over 55% from 14.5 ha to 6.5 ha. The paper aims to present a multidisciplinary approach to the study of highly dynamic coastal landforms, the results of which would benefit local authorities in drawing up management plans for the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.
[1] Prodanov, B., Dimitrov, L., Kotsev, L., Bekova, R., Lambev, T., Spatial distribution of sand dunes along the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Inventory, UAS mapping, and new discoveries. In: Black Sea ecosystem in the spotlight, Nature Conservation, 2023 (In press)
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[5] Pajares, G. Overview and current status of remote sensing applications based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 81(4), 281-330, 2015.
[6] Prodanov, B., Kotsev, I., Lambev, T., Bekova, R., Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for surveying the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgarie des Sciences, 73,5, 666-672, 2020.
[7] Dimitrov St, Savova V., UAS-based rapid mapping and assessment of sand dunes along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast: The Case of Coral Beach, Bulgaria, Proc. of Int. Sc. Conf. Geobalcanica 2019, 567–572, 2019.
[8] Tcherkezova, E., Kotsev, T., Zhelezov G., Stoyanova, V., Applying UAV photogrammetry data for high-resolution geomorphological mapping of a part of the Lom River valley near the village of Vasilovtsi (Bulgaria). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 20(2.2): 183-190, 2020.
[9] Trendafilova, L, Dechev, D., Perspectivities for shallow water bathymetry mapping using echo-sounding data and UAV surveys in Bulgarian Black Sea Coastal Zone, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 21(2.1), 323-336, 2021.
[10] Dinkov, D, Kitev, A., Hristova, D., High-resolution topographic data of river landscapes using aerial PPK-UAV photogrammetry: a case study in Ogosta River valley, Northwestern Bulgaria, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 21(2.1), 293-300, 2021.
[11] Tcherkezova, E., Hydro-geomorphological descriptors for detection of flood-prone areas using high-resolution UAV photogrammetry data, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 21(2.1): 301-309. 2021.
[12] Atanasova, M., Nikolov, H., Surface displacements determinations at "Fish-Fish" landslide area based on UAV photogrammetric surveys and remotely sensed SAR data, Proc. SPIE 11863, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XII, 1186317, 2021.
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[14] Nankin, R., Krastanov, M., Ivanov, P., Erosion of Coastal Slope in the Zelenka locality, Northern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36, 3-14, 2022.
[15] Tzvetkov, J., Spatial modeling of archaeological landscapes with UAV and digital photogrammetry. Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, 32:41-53, 2020.
[16] Hilgendorf, Z., Marvin, M. C., Turner, C. M., & Walker, I. J. Assessing Geomorphic Change in Restored Coastal Dune Ecosystems Using a Multi-Platform Aerial Approach. Remote Sensing, 13(3), 354, 2021, doi: 10.3390/rs13030354
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[20] Laporte-Fauret, Q., Marieu, V., Castelle, B., Michalet, R., Bujan, S., Rosebery, D., Low-cost UAV for high-resolution and large-scale coastal dune change monitoring using photogrammetry. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(3), 63, 2019.
[21] Fabbri, S., Grottoli, E., Armaroli, C., Ciavola, P., Using High-Spatial Resolution UAV-Derived Data to Evaluate Vegetation and Geomorphological Changes on a Dune Field Involved in a Restoration Endeavour. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(10):1987.
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[25] Keremedchiev, S., Stancheva, M., Assessment of geomorphodynamical coastal activity of the Bulgarian Black Sea part. Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, 59(2), 181, 2006.
[26] Himmelstoss, E.A., Henderson, R.E., Kratzmann, M.G., and Farris, A.S., Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 5.0 user guide: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018–1179, 110, 2018
[27] Aerial photographs from 1918, Science Found of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The mapping of coastal landforms was conducted under the project „Multidisciplinary study of Burgas Bay – MidBay (Composition of a detailed digital model of the bottom relief with analysis of modern geomorphological conditions and archaeological forecasting modeling)“, Grant № КП-06-Н34/7/09.12.2019 funded by the Bulgarian National Science Fund. The author expresses special thanks to the scientific manager of the project Professor Dr. Lyubomir Dimitrov (IO-BAS).
Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023
23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 03 - 09 July, 2023
Proceedings Paper
STEF92 Technology
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM
SWS Scholarly Society; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Russian Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci and Arts; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; European Acad Sci, Arts and Letters; Acad Fine Arts Zagreb Croatia; Croatian Acad Sci and Arts; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci and Arts; Georgian Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts and Design Bratislava; Russian Acad Arts; Turkish Acad Sci.
03 - 09 July, 2023
sand beach, coastal dunes, shoreline changes, unmanned aerial vehicles, Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), Harmani-Sozopol beach-dune system, Bulgarian Black Sea coast

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