Peer-reviewed articles 17,970 +


Ivan Marinov; Gabriela Simeonova; Christina Mickrenska; Gergana Antova
•    Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Trofymchuk, UKRAINE 
•    Prof. Dr. hab. oec. Baiba Rivza, LATVIA
The use of digital twin models in immovable culture heritage enables better decisionmaking about preventive maintenance, heritage management, and interpretation, as well as accurate digital documentation. This publication discusses an approach for creating a digital twin using different methods of spatial data acquisition: close range terrestrial digital photogrammetry, aerial digital photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning. The "Holy Transfiguration" Church in Pomorie, Bulgaria which is the oldest functioning church on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, was chosen for the purpose of the task. The different deliverables were compared by quality and quantity characteristics. The distance measurements by a measuring tape and classical land surveying measurements with a total station were made to control the data quality. In conclusion, the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches for collecting spatial data for digital twin of immovable culture heritage and their application are described.
[1] Kunchev, I., Geodesy and Geoinformation technologies in the era of the Fourth industrial revolution, Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia, Bulgaria, volume 56 (2023), issue 2, ISSN 1310-814X (print), ISSN 2534-9759 (on-line), Pages 775 – 783
[2] Cosovic, M., Maksimovic, M., Application of the digital twin concept in cultural heritage, VIPERC2022: 1st International Virtual Conference on Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage, Italy, Understanding, 12 September 2022, ISSN 1613-0073,, access on 29.05.2023
[3] Church "Holy Transfiguration of the Lord",църквата- свето-преображение-господ/, access on 15.05.2023
[4] National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage,, access on 12.05.2023
[5] Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Part 31(1) Regulation РД-02-20-25/20.09.2011 https:/`/ gnss_dv_2.pdf , access on 12.05.2023
[6] Ivanov, R., Engineering Surveying and Deformation Surveys, Monograph, ISBN: 978-954-12-0272-2, Bulgaria, 2020, Page 90
[7] Ilieva, T., Communication protocols and formats for data transfer used for real time kinematic GNSS measurements, Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy Sofia, Bulgaria, volume 45 (2012-2013), ISSN 1310-814X, Pages 31-45
[8] Kunchev, I., Geodetic and Geoinformation aspects in connection with the creation of a Geoinformation system for the territory of Bulgaria, Proceedings of 22nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo Conference SGEM 2022, Volume 22. Issue 2.1, ISBN: 978-619-7603-40-8, ISSN: 1314-2704,
[9] Georgieva, D. Encoding and Decoding: the Intellectual Accessibility to Cultural Heritage. In: Collection Modern Technologies in the Cultural and Historical Heritage, vol. 8, 2020, Technical University Press, Sofia, ISSN: 2367-6523. P.26-33.
[10] Antova G., Tanev V. Creation of 3D Geometry in Scan-to-CAD/BIM Environment. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Online ISSN: 1755-1315, 2020, Sci. 609, 012085.
Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023
23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 03 - 09 July, 2023
Proceedings Paper
STEF92 Technology
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM
SWS Scholarly Society; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Russian Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci and Arts; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; European Acad Sci, Arts and Letters; Acad Fine Arts Zagreb Croatia; Croatian Acad Sci and Arts; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci and Arts; Georgian Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts and Design Bratislava; Russian Acad Arts; Turkish Acad Sci.
03 - 09 July, 2023
photogrammetry, digital, twin, 3D model, immovable culture heritage

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