Peer-reviewed articles 17,970 +


Dmitry Sharapov
•    Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Trofymchuk, UKRAINE •    Prof. Dr. hab. oec. Baiba Rivza, LATVIA
The Discrete Element Method (DEM) serves as a crucial computational tool in studying ice-structure interactions pertinent to offshore marine constructions. The article highlights the significance of DEM in simulating and comprehending the complex dynamics of ice loads on offshore structures. Offshore marine constructions face challenges associated with ice loads, especially in regions prone to icy conditions. DEM, adapted to model ice behavior, offers a micro-scale perspective, representing individual ice particles to capture their interactions with offshore structures. This approach enables the assessment of ice-induced forces, structural responses, and failure mechanisms critical for designing resilient offshore installations. We underscore DEM's role in simulating ice-structure interactions, encompassing phenomena such as ice crushing, fracturing, and the dynamic response of offshore structures subjected to varying ice loads. These simulations aid in evaluating the structural integrity and performance of offshore installations, contributing to the design and optimization of platforms, rigs, and offshore wind structures in ice-prone environments. Challenges in DEM modeling for ice calculations for offshore marine constructions include the accurate representation of ice properties, validation against experimental data, and computational demands for simulating large-scale systems. However, ongoing advancements in computational capabilities, refinements in ice modeling techniques, and integration with experimental observations continue to enhance the accuracy and reliability of DEM simulations for offshore structures in icy environments.
[1] Shi Y. A numerical investigation of ice-structure interaction using a discrete element model // Ocean Engineering. - 2016. - T. 118. - C. 274-287.
[2] Andreeva, S.A., Sharapov, D. Hoek–Вrown model for ice breaking simulation. Magazine of Civil Engineering. 2023. 123(7). Article no. 12303. DOI: 10.34910/MCE.123.3
[3] Sharapov D., Klochkov Y., Improving quality of 2D ice load estimation on freezed piles, International Journal for Quality Research v17, n4, 2023, DOI:10.24874/IJQR17.04-11
[4] Shkhinek KN, Blanchet D, Croasdale K. et al (1994) Comparison of the Russian and foreign codes and methods for global load estimation. Paper presented at the 13th ISOPE Conference, vol 4, pp 75-81.
[5] Sharapov D., BRIEF ON DEVELOPMENT OF ICE LOAD ESTIMATION FOR HYDROTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, Volume 23, Issue 2.1, ISBN 978-619-7603-57-6 DOI: 10.5593/sgem2023/2.1/s08.18.
[6] Sharapov D (2023) Evolution of ice load prediction tools for hydrotechnical construction. E3S Web of Conf 402:05023. DOI:
[7] DS/ISO 19906-2019 Petroleum and natural gas industries – Arctic offshore structures. International Organization for Standardization, 2010. [8] Liferov P, Shkhinek KN, Vitali L, Serre N (2007) Ice gouging study - actions and action effects. Recent Development of Offshore Engineering in Cold Regions 1 and 2: 774-786.
[9] Loset S, Shkhinek K, Gudmestad OT, Hoyland K. (2006) Actions from ice on Arctic offshore and coastal structures: student’s book for institutes of higher education. Publisher “LAN”, St. Petersburg, p 272.
[10] Sharapov D (2023) Ice adhesion to hydrotechnical structures. E3S Web of Conf 431:03006. DOI:
[11] Sharapov D (2023) Structure freezing in the ice. E3S Web of Conf 431:06010. DOI:
[12] Sharapov D., Andreeva S., Ice reinforcement, E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 431, 06009, 2023, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202343106009.
[13] Emma C. Edwards, Anna Holcombe, Scott Brown, Edward Ransley, Martyn Hann, Deborah Greaves, Evolution of floating offshore wind platforms: A review of at-sea devices, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 183, 2023, 113416, ISSN 1364-0321,
[14] Victoria Sykes, Maurizio Collu, Andrea Coraddu, A review and analysis of optimisation techniques applied to floating offshore wind platforms, Ocean Engineering, Volume 285, Part 1, 2023, 115247, ISSN 0029-8018,
[15] Keyang Liu, Baoping Cai, Qibing Wu, Mingxin Chen, Chao Yang, Javed Akbar Khan, Chenyushu Wang, Hasini Vidumini Weerawarna Pattiyakumbura, Weifeng Ge, Yonghong Liu, Risk identification and assessment methods of offshore platform equipment and operations, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 177, 2023, Pages 1415-1430, ISSN 0957-5820,
This work was done as a part of Project « Study of statistical patterns of ice loads on engineering structures and development of a new method for their stochastic modeling (FSEG-2020-0021)", No. 0784-2020-0021» supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023
23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 28-30 November, 2023
Proceedings Paper
STEF92 Technology
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM
SWS Scholarly Society; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Russian Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci and Arts; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; European Acad Sci, Arts and Letters; Acad Fine Arts Zagreb Croatia; Croatian Acad Sci and Arts; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci and Arts; Georgian Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts and Design Bratislava; Russian Acad Arts; Turkish Acad Sci.
28-30 November, 2023
Discrete Element Method, DEM, Ice-Structure Interactions, Offshore Marine Constructions, Ice Loads, Ice Modeling, Computational Simulations

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