Peer-reviewed articles 17,970 +


Geronimo Raducu BRANESCU; CRISTINA MARIA CANJA; Mirabela Ioana LUPU; Alina MAIER; Adrian MAZAREL
•    Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Trofymchuk, UKRAINE 
•    Prof. Dr. hab. oec. Baiba Rivza, LATVIA
This paper aims to synthesize in a logical and coherent approach the main control techniques used in managing and combating food fraud, as well as to discuss their effectiveness. Given the impact that food fraud can have on consumers' health and well-being, anti- fraud control techniques used throughout the food chain are an important and relevant topic, still insufficiently addressed and accepted in the relevant economic environment. The objectives of the article include presenting the current context of food fraud, different anti-fraud control techniques and relevant examples, as well as drawing conclusions and recommendations for the future. By addressing this topic, the article aims to contribute to raising awareness about the importance of preventing and combating fraud of any kind in the food industry. Preventing and combating food fraud involves a multidimensional approach that includes food monitoring and control, enforcement of regulations and standards, and international cooperation. By implementing these measures, authorities can help protect consumers against fraudulent practices in the food industry. In conclusion, monitoring and controlling food supply chains is a proactive and essential approach to effectively combat food fraud. By applying these measures, it can be ensured that food reaches consumers with guaranteed authenticity and safety, thereby protecting public health and strengthening trust in industry.
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Proceedings of 23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023
23rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2023, 28-30 November, 2023
Proceedings Paper
STEF92 Technology
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM
SWS Scholarly Society; Acad Sci Czech Republ; Latvian Acad Sci; Polish Acad Sci; Russian Acad Sci; Serbian Acad Sci and Arts; Natl Acad Sci Ukraine; Natl Acad Sci Armenia; Sci Council Japan; European Acad Sci, Arts and Letters; Acad Fine Arts Zagreb Croatia; Croatian Acad Sci and Arts; Acad Sci Moldova; Montenegrin Acad Sci and Arts; Georgian Acad Sci; Acad Fine Arts and Design Bratislava; Russian Acad Arts; Turkish Acad Sci.
28-30 November, 2023
food fraud, control technics, food safety

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